Dominating the Vienne valley, the medieval town of Chauvigny is popular with visitors because of its rich architectural heritage. A lovely place for a stroll, the upper town consists of charming narrow streets and beautiful buildings that are reminders of centuries past, including the magnificent 12th-century Romanesque collegiate church with magnificent carved capitals, and five fortified castles: the Château Baronnial, Château d'Harcourt, Donjon de Gouzon, Tour de Flins and Château de Montléon.
Near Saint-Pierre collegiate church, the museum of popular traditions and archaeology is home to a collection of archaeological objects, a reconstruction of a Poitou interior, as well as an exhibition of antique objects, headwear and clothes. It also has a section devoted to old trades.
The Espace d'Archéologie Industrielle, housed in the Gouzon keep, is a museum dedicated to the history of the Pays Chauvinois area's industrial heritage. At the top of the keep is a magnificent panoramic view over the rooftops of the medieval town and the surrounding countryside.
From mid-March to mid-November, a free-flying bird show named "The Giants of the Sky" is put on at the Château Baronnial.