The bastide town of Mirepoix was rebuilt in the 13th century following a flood. From its medieval past it has preserved a 14th-century fortified gate and a stunning market square surrounded by beautiful half-timbered houses whose first floors jut out over the square creating an arcaded walkway below. The café terraces, shops and traditional market on Monday mornings make it a lovely spot to visit. Make sure you stop and admire the old facade of the Maison des Consuls for its typical medieval wood carvings.
Next to the square stands the southern French Gothic-style Saint-Maurice cathedral with a vast 48-metre long and 22-metre wide nave.
The town organises a host of events: Les Fêtes Historiques with shows and a costumed procession on the third weekend of July; a puppet festival at the start of August; and one dedicated to apples on the third weekend in October!