Attractions to discover no shortage in the village of Cardaillac, and fans of old stones and history found happiness here. And remember, even Aretha Franklin sang about the 'Pink Cardaillac.' Right?
Element of the old village defense fort, Sagnes tower was built in the thirteenth century. Listed historical monument, it stands on more than twenty-one meters. Inside, one can find a vaulted room on the first floor and a spiral staircase.
Hard to miss the place and the well Manganel. This deep twenty-one meters suppling water once the stronghold.
The Clock Tower, also listed historical monument, was built in the thirteenth century as the old fort. The whole neighborhood around it represents the limits of the old castrum.
The church of Saint-Julien also worth a visit.
Busted The museum is open from July to September, offering to discover the old life. The program includes mills, a chestnut drying, a bread oven or a clog. The site organizes manufacturing rustic games, demonstrations of ancient games, introductions to calligraphy, or bread manufacturing.